The idea to set up our own business started back in the summer of 2006.
Stu and I were driving back from a day at our local beach - chatting about the kids, the beach etc. and the conversation moved onto the lack of good beach wear for our kids and how we felt that there was a gap in the market for stylish classic Kids surf clothing for them.
Stu is a surfer and as a family we love the beach. Our kids love surfing and the outdoors. It was becoming more and more obvious from our trips to the beach - that children of all ages were wearing rash vests, board shorts etc. looking like mini me versions of their dads or surfing heros.
We thought little more about it - until January 2007. When we started to talk a little more about the idea of kids surf clothing and started to dream of running our own business (as we both worked and still work for local/national government agencies). Stu and I are very similar and have always played it safe with the 9-5 job and all the securities it brings with it (especially since having our family). However, we both liked the idea of escaping all this an running our own business.
We felt that a range of beach essentials that were affordable, practical and stylish was a good idea. We then started to spend more and more of our evenings thinking of what type of surf/beach wear products we would like to produce.
We felt if we were going to pursue this then this venture would need a name. We started to think and search the internet and surf termonology for a good name for our business (we wanted a name that had strong links to the beach type lifestyle). The term that sumed it up perfectly was Grom or Grommet This is the surf term for a young surfer (who rips) - however the age range for a traditional 'grom' is more teenager than young kid. So after a play on words, Grommies came out which sounded just right for a kids surf clothing / wear company. Stu's mates nick name is the same - he keeps saying how he should have copy-right on it!
What we needed to think about next was a brand to fit with the Grommies name...