Time to take a breather here and perhaps explain what the touch light was for where we are today - 100% Australian sheepskin boots.
Sarah wanted to dress our kids in this classic style sheepskin boots last year, and soon found that to pick up a genuine 100% Australian sheepskin product was down to two main options. The first involved paying an extortionate price for the official branded boots. The other was to order from Australia, play the waiting game and see whether the tax man would send you a import duty bill a few weeks after your boots arrived.
Last year Sarah went for the Australia shipment option (not cheap, but cheaper than £80 for a kids pair!).
These boots are synonymous with the surfing culture, worn in the main by surfers only for decades. However what we could see was:
1) These boots were popular, and on the increase. some basic searching on Goggles statistics showed that a lot of people in the Uk were searching for sheepskin boots, and we had a feeling this wasn't just surfers on the search for the illusive boots! - it was also clear from looking at forums and e-bay that there were allot of poor quality, synthetic imitation boots out there.
2) There must be an easier and more affordable way of obtaining these boots. This, combined with our vision for the Grommies kids surf wear company (see part one) was such an obvious choice - a true eureka moment if you like - and if we could source them well, we would keep to the ethics of what we wanted to achieve - quality kids surf wear at an affordable price.